Kandiyohi County Public Health has the responsibility of protecting
and improving the health of our community through education,
promotion of healthy lifestyles, responding to disease outbreaks and
injury prevention. Our mission is “Working together for a healthy
future” by collaborating with others to improve the health of our
community. Our programs for young families include:
Women, Infants and Children: WIC, is a federally-funded,
supplemental nutrition program that provides nutrition education
and counseling, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and
resource information to families at nutritional risk who meet the
income guidelines.
The Follow Along Program is a great way for parents to learn
about their child’s development. The program focuses on play,
communication, growth, movement and actions.
The Child and Teen Checkups are for children and teens, birth to
21 years of age enrolled in Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care.
The health checks include height and weight, hearing and vision,
development, diet, dental referral, physical exams, immunizations,
health information and lab tests.
Family Home Visiting: Parenting can be very rewarding, but often
challenging. A public health nurse can visit in the home to provide
support and help prepare parents for the challenges of parenting.